Rainbow Fish & the Arts at ELBS

There is a buzz circulating in our school this week as we prepare for the 2019 performance of “The Rainbow Fish” at the Erie Playhouse on Thursday.  This is our second year for performing on the main stage at the Playhouse.  We have been working with them for a number of years but until last year our performances were on the stage in our gym. When it was suggested that we actually perform at the Playhouse, our students and staff were nervous. What would it be like being on a “real” stage and looking out at our audience?  But, the students were wonderful so it is back to the Playhouse this Thursday.rainbow-fish.png

The Arts have always played an integral role at the Barber National Institute and our school. In some schools the fine or performing arts fall by the wayside as the focus is on academic goals, data, and standards.  But, not at the ELBS. We believe and research has consistently demonstrated that involvement in the arts increases student achievement across all subject areas as well as social and adaptive skills. In addition, medical studies have found that participation in the creative arts reduces stress which in turn enhances the ability to learn.  Since many of our children struggle with anxiety, this is especially important.

So we are in the countdown to show time!  If you are free Thursday afternoon at 12:30, join us at the Erie Playhouse. I can promise you that it will be a memorable and inspiring hour.

A special thanks to Erie Arts and Culture for funding this project and to Trisha Yates, our drama coach Director and chief cheerleader! You are making dreams come true for our children!

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