Eunie’s Buddies: Pioneering Support for Families

The Today Show had Anthony Shriver, the founder of Best Buddies, on to discuss Eunie’s Buddies, a pioneering initiative within the Best Buddies Family Support. Watch the Today Show segment.

Some of you may remember that Dr. Gertrude Barber worked with Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the founder of the Special Olympics. Eunie’s Buddies provide support and resources to families raising children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Here is how it works: 

Mentee Support: Parents who are expecting, have recently welcomed a baby, or are raising a child up to five years old with a recent IDD diagnosis can receive support. They are paired with experienced parents of children with similar diagnoses to form a mentor-mentee relationship. 

Mentorship: Experienced parents or caregivers of children with IDD become mentors, offering guidance, emotional support, and resources. They share their knowledge and experience to help new parents navigate the challenges and joys of raising a child with IDD. 

Resources: The program provides a wealth of resources, including service recommendations, support groups, local activity suggestions, general information, and need-based financial aid. 

Community and Connection: Eunie’s Buddies emphasize the importance of community and connection, offering a space for parents and caregivers to find encouragement and genuine friendship. 

This program reflects the legacy of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who tirelessly advocated for positive change in the lives of individuals with IDD. It aims to empower families and ensure that children with IDD can lead fulfilled lives with education and gainful employment opportunities. 

We had a remarkably similar program in Erie a few years ago, Parent to Parent. I am thinking that the time might be right to revive it.   If you are reading the blog, are in Erie, and might consider being a mentor or a mentee please get back to me.  We could begin a pilot group if there is interest.  

My best! 


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